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Jan de Vries Confidence Essence 30ml

RRP: £5.99 Special Price £4.79 20% off

Jan de Vries trained as a pharmacist in his native Holland. A naturopath since 1960, he has cared for many people throughout the world and for years has sought  flower essence combinations to improve emotional wellbeing, which in turn can enhance greater harmony in the body.

This specially formulated flower essence is a unique blend, carefully selected with the advice of experienced practitioners from Sun Essences, to help meet the challenges of modern life.

Everyone always needs more confidence and self esteem and would benefit from a course of this blend. It's a disease of our modern times as a lot is expected of people today. As a result many may never do what they really want to.

Are you nervous and shy?
Do you lack confidence in yourself?
Do you suffer from low self-esteem?
Do you sabotage yourself?
Do you not try things because you fear failure?
Do you have an inferiority complex?


Centaury - used to build assertiveness and personal power, ideal for the downtrodden.
Pine - for self esteem, over apologetic guilty types, feel unworthy and undervalue themselves.
Honeysuckle  - dissolves memories that might have a negative influence on the present.
Larch - the fundamental core of the essence, building confidence over a period of time.
Mimulus - for the shy and nervous types, gives courage to face the world.
Elm - for temporary loss of confidence, can't cope, too much responsibility.
Cerato - lack of confidence in own's own judgements, bring self-trust.
Buttercup - those who need to recognise their own uniqueness.
Tansy - for lethargy and procrastination, gives a kick start and motivation.
Walnut  - brings protection, and freedom from past attachments that prevent you moving forward.


Starting any new activity can be hard and good confidence levels are helpful whatever it is, swimming, amateur dramatic, computers skills, new job, interviews, learning to drive, becoming a new mum or dad, back to college after a break. Anxiety attacks are common when you are starting something new so the Confidence Essence will give you courage. It will also build self-confidence and self worth, so you know you are good enough to do it.
For those children and adults who can't stand up for themselves and who are easily intimidated. The Confidence Essence will help you be more assertive and will give them courage.
Helpful for the dominated, co-dependant type who have low self esteem and don't feel worthy of a better life. It will help you stand up for yourself.
For adults who don't have the confidence to get out and meet people. Maybe they have had broken relationships and so lost confidence in themselves as far as a new relationships are concerned. A course of this blend will help all ages socialise with more confidence.
This blend is generally helpful when there are setbacks with learning something new e.g. falling off bike or pony, getting ducked while swimming, having a car accident, and when confidence has been lost. Perhaps you have tried something and it has gone wrong more than once. "I'll never be able to do that again'. Confidence will keep you positive even if there are setbacks.
Use also if you have a poor sense of self, belittle yourself, are over apologetic, feel powerless, inferior, submissive, feel valueless, guilty, sabotage yourself, fear failure, won't try new things, lack motivation or staying power etc

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Brands A. Vogel (Bio Force)
Size 30ml

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